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Frank Gardner's Return to Saudi Arabia

Frank Gardner's Return to Saudi Arabia

  • 上映年代:2013  
  • 别名:弗兰克·加德纳回归沙特阿拉伯
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区:英国
  • 主演: Frank Gardner
  • 更新时间:

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《Frank Gardner's Return to Saudi Arabia》又名弗兰克·加德纳回归沙特阿拉伯。

*** security correspondent Frank Gardner returns for the first time to Riyadh, the **** in Saudi Arabia where he was shot by Al Qaeda in 2004 and left dependent upon a wheelchair. Travelling in this important and mysterious country, he explores how it has so far avoided an Arab Spring revolution.


melody 2018-10-21


下河迷人羊果朗 2018-03-20

沙特也许就应该是野蛮的,应以野蛮视之,并以野蛮待之 最悲惨的国家也是最有趣的 权力平衡利益分配 现买永远是骨感的 大捧加胡萝卜总是那么有效 政治永远避免不了肮脏 权力的游戏是永远的主旋律

小米 2019-05-03


TMHC 2016-06-23

We literally had this guy who said his grandmother died several times because he wouldn't just show up in.""How do you explain the Saudi work ethic? "Interstingly enough, the word "work ethics" does not actually have a translation in Arabic.